

  • 9
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:有限责任公司
  • 公司地址: 山东省 烟台 芝罘区 只楚街道 4,zhichunan road
  • 姓名: Li Shulin
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定

    polyurethane conveyor belt skirting

  • 所属行业:橡胶 橡胶制品 工业用橡胶制品
  • 发布日期:2021-10-19
  • 阅读量:193
  • 价格:1.20 美元/米 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:10000.00 米
  • 包装说明:CTN
  • 发货地址:山东烟台芝罘区只楚街道  
  • 关键词:polyurethane,belt,skirting

    polyurethane conveyor belt skirting详细内容

    As specifically designed polyurethane sheets,polyurethane conveyor belt skirting from Yantai Zhengyuan Polyurethane Co.,Ltd. is used as a sealing panel or strip on the loading, transferring and discharging points of conveyor system to direct materials onto the conveyor belt and reduce spillage. It can both reduce spillage and lower dust emissions, also decrease belt damage. Thanks to the virtues of PU like extremely tough resistant to abrasion, cut, tear,wear and impact, polyurethane conveyor skirting lasts an average of 3-5 times longer than rubber skirting equivalents. It is widely used in the areas such as mining, aggregate, cement,fertilizer and some chemicals as well.the PU belt skirting is manufactured of CPU of superior quality and with different designs,colors and sizes available for users’ option.Also can be customized according to buyers' special requirements.The main features are as below.
    High tensile strength
    Low Coefficient of Friction
    Enough colors available
    Durometer shore A 65 to 90 available
    Max length available 15meters
    Thickness available 8-30mm
    Width available 60-600mm
    Friendly to the conveyor belt
    Pre-existing mounts and setup friendly
    Effective sealing and non porous
    Chemical resistance ensures adaptability in many environments from wet clay to iron ore
    Reusable, recyclable, reduces consumption and material wastage
    欢迎来到烟台正源聚氨酯有限公司网站, 具体地址是山东省烟台芝罘区4,zhichunan road,联系人是Li Shulin。 主要经营Yantai Zhengyuan Polyurethane Co., the premium manufacturer of polyurethane products in China.。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。 我公司工程技术人员多名,技术力量强大,具有多年的生产经验,工艺水平**,产品质量严格把关。